Choosing a Powered Graver for Stonesetting

tools and equipment Sep 30, 2024
Three different engraving machines

A power-assist engraving machine - often called a "powered graver" or "pneumatic" in the trade - is a power tool that drives a graver or punch without you needing to apply much force by hand. This reduces the physical effort required and increases your tool control. It works by a reciprocal back-and-forth movement with a very short stroke length; essentially like a tiny jackhammer but much more refined.  

It's possible to do great setting work without a powered graver - I worked without one for 17 years and was still getting great results - but there's no doubt they make many setting tasks easier and faster, while also giving you more control.

My Power-Assist Essentials Course is focused on the use of this type of machine, and the techniques taught can't be learned or performed efficiently without it.


Original GRS Graversmith with 901 handpiece


Currently, the two most popular machines are the GRS Graversmith, which requires a separate air compressor to work, and the Pulsegraver, which is a newer product that's entirely electric and doesn't need a compressor. Both are good machines and the collets are semi-interchangeable (more on this below). 

Many people also use Enset or Lindsay machines, both of which also require a separate air compressor. Jura branded machines are also gaining popularity as a premium option, and have a built in compressor.



The main models of GRS machines are the Graversmith, Gravermax G8 and Gravermach AT.

The Graversmith is the least expensive, and in my opinion does everything that most people need it to do. My student benches are equipped with the original versions of these machines.

GRS Graversmith, 2024 model


The Gravermax G8 is my daily machine and has added functionality that I never use, and I expect you won't either. Some of the internal components are different to the Graversmith's but this seems to have no impact on performance. The only advantage is an extra air shut-off function that prevents the compressor's air tank from draining when the machine is switched off.

GRS Gravermax, 2024 model


The Gravermax AT ("Air-Tact") is similar to the G8 but adds a palm control feature to the compatible handpiece, so that the handpiece power may be controlled by palm pressure rather than the foot pedal. This type of system is popular with engravers, but I don't think it provides any advantages for setters (although it will work fine if you're already accustomed to it).

GRS GraverMach AT, 2024 model


All the GRS machines use QC Tool Holders (interchangeable collets) which are the de-facto industry standard.

GRS QC Tool Holder (collet)


While different handpieces are available for all the GRS machines, 99.9% of setters should get the 901 handpiece (or 901 AT for the Gravermax AT) and won't ever need anything else.

GRS 901 Handpiece


Connecting your new GRS machine to an air compressor can be confusing, especially for those outside the US. I've written this guide to help!

GRS machines are popular, reliable, and give excellent control, so will be the safe choice for many people. However, the required air compressor and hoses can be inconvenient and noisy, especially as the machines consume so much air even when idle. If you work in a small space or a domestic setting, you may prefer the simplicity of a Pulsegraver or Jura.

More details are available at GRS Tools (US), GRS Tools (Europe), and units are readily available from numerous jewellers' suppliers worldwide.



The Pulsegraver is an all-electric machine that has become popular in the last few years. The handpiece and control box are both lightweight, and the fact that it doesn't need a compressor is a huge plus for many people. Being all-electric, it can be set to perform in different ways (for example, you can choose for the speed to remain steady but the power to be controlled by the pedal, or vise-versa) so it can be made to function similarly to other brands of machine that you may already be used to. Its maximum power is less than that of a GRS system with a typical 901 handpiece, but I've used this machine on heavy bezels and have usually been able to get the results I want. As I often say to my students, "If you need to push that hard, you're doing something wrong."

While reports of faults are uncommon, the Pulsegraver is newer on the market and its peculiarities aren't as widely understood as with other brands. It's also more expensive than a complete Graversmith or Lindsay setup (including 901 handpiece and compressor), which may deter some people. 




Collets are similar to those used in the GRS machines and are mutually compatible. However, the Pulsegraver handpiece has a collet alignment tab in a fixed position, so the tab on a GRS handpiece may need to be rotated 180 degrees if you want to share collets between different machine brands at the same time.

Pulsegraver Universal Collet


The pulsegraver also has a longer handpiece than GRS, so you may need to use shorter gravers to compensate. 

Compared to my regular GRS machine, I find the Pulsegraver to be a compelling alternative. It gives a similar degree of fine control, and while I still prefer the handpiece shape, ease of adjustment and heavy-hitting power of the GRS machines, the "plug-and-play" nature of the pulsegraver and the fact that it doesn't need a compressor make it a better choice for many people, especially those working from home or in a small workshop. Being able to continue using your GRS collets is also a bonus.

Units are available exclusively from



Jura Tools is a leading brand in the stonesetting industry and their tools are often considered the best available. All powered graver models are pneumatic and contain a quiet inbuilt compressor, eliminating the need for a seperate compressor unit. They are foot-controlled, with speed and power range adjustment knobs on the control box. 

Jura gravers are currently undergoing a cosmetic update, so new units are mostly black, rather than the previous blue and silver design.

Jura Graver (original design)


Graver machines by Jura:

Jura Graver includes pneumatic graver function only.

Jura Graver Plus includes pneumatic graver and micromotor.

Jura Graver Pro includes pneumatic graver, micromotor, hot air blower and cold air blower.

Jura handpieces have previously only used their own style of collets, which are not compatible with other brand handpieces. This is an obstacle to upgrading if, like me, you have a large number of other-branded collets already. To address this issue, they'll soon be releasing a new handpiece that will accept GRS-style collets. This removes a significant barrier to entry for people with a large existing stock of collets, and those with a mix of machines in the same workshop.

I haven't had the opportunity to try a Jura machine for myself, so I asked John Daniels, stonesetting teacher and co-admin of the Stone Setters Facebook group, how his new Jura machine compares to other brands. John prefers it over his Enset and GRS machines, saying that the handpiece is comfortable in the hand and can deliver an excellent range from very fine control to high power. He also says the micromotor (included on the Plus and Pro models) is very smooth, quiet and powerful.

I'm a big fan of Jura vises, and it's clear that Jura tools are designed by an experienced stonesetter who understands the finer details of what we need. The range of tools is constantly being developed and refined according to industry feedback, and support is always available. 

As a premium option, units are more expensive than the competition, which will deter many people. Delivery times can also be long as machines are made to order. However for those who don't like compressors and have the budget to spare, a Jura machine is probably the best option on the market.

Machines are available at Jura Tools. 



Enset engraving machines were previously produced by Glardon-Vallorbe, but the business was acquired by Spanish company Graboutil in early 2022 and production now continues without the Glardon branding.

Enset Original


Enset machines by Graboutil:

Enset Compact

Enset (original)

Enset Plus

Enset machine use their own collet system which isn't compatible with any other brand.

Although they have their die-hard fans, Enset machines are less popular in the industry than GRS units so the parts and accessories are more difficult to source. 

An Enset machine will certainly do anything a basic GRS machine will do (and consume less air in the process), but unless you're able to pick up an absolute bargain I would advise to stay in the larger and safer ecosystems of the other brands.

Enset machines are available from and many other suppliers worldwide. (Thanks Joacim Jansson for the update!)



AirGravers by Steve Lindsay have an almost cult-like following in the engraving community, and their quality and simplicity are renowned. The handpiece is connected directly to the air supply (via a simple pressure regulator) with no control box needed - tool power is controlled purely by hand pressure, or with a foot controller on some models.

The BenchJewel Handpiece is the most affordable AirGraver. It comes with foot control (only) and doesn't have the stroke adjustment collar around the barrel. The heavier tungsten piston isn't included so would need to be added to your order.



The Classic Handpiece (foot control) is controlled using a foot pedal. It also has the stroke adjustment collar, which I prefer. It generally comes with the tungsten piston included.


The Classic Handpiece (PalmControl) is controlled with palm pressure. This type of system is popular with engravers, but I don't think it provides any advantages for setters (although it will work fine if you're already accustomed to it). The burl wooden handle version is shown. The tungsten piston isn't included so would need to be added to your order.


There is also a more powerful NitroG20 handpiece, however this isn't commonly used for stone setting.

Lindsay handpieces can be supplied with or without an interchangeable collet system. If configured to use the collet system, the GRS collets will also work using an adapter, although I find this to be cumbersome as the adapter has to be manually attached every time the GRS collet is changed. If configured with the Classic nose, tool bits are inserted and held in place with a thumb screw or other optional method.

While a compressor is still required, Lindsay handpieces consume significantly less air than GRS, meaning that you can use a smaller compressor and/or it will cycle much less often.

In my time using the Lindsay Classic (foot controlled model), I was impressed with the overall feel of it. This is partly because, unlike with other brands, the speed and power of the stroke increase in tandem rather than just one or the other. I strongly recommend using the heavier tungsten piston (supplied with some models), as the standard stainless steel piston wasn't able to deliver enough power for the standard hammering techniques I use for stone setting. (Thanks Joel Wells for lending me your unit to try!)

While popular for engraving, Lindsay units haven't achieved quite the same popularity in the setting business, where GRS still dominates. This is probably to do with GRS equipment being widely available from local suppliers, whereas ordering a Lindsay system from outside the US can be more complicated. 

I think the Lindsay Classic (foot control) with tungsten piston is a great choice for stone setting. 

See more details and purchase at Steve Lindsay Engraving Tools.


Other brands

There are many cheaper (and sometimes "counterfeit") machines available online, and although they may look similar on the outside, they usually perform poorly and often fail after a few months. I've tried a few, including Air Do X, and unlike with microscopes, I don't believe there is any value in buying these as "beginner machines". Some are better than others, but it's a lottery that very often leaves beginners out of pocket. They generally don't allow you to learn or achieve what you need to, and starting with these is the equivalent of learning to drive in a car with a wheel missing. Buying good quality the first time is the best way to get started with power-assist.



Most of the machines above require a seperate air compressor (Pulsegraver and Jura being the exceptions). Air-driven handpieces can provide a better range of control and power, however the compressors themselves add to the expense and require extra space and maintenance, so this should be considered in advance.

Compressors also tend to be noisy, so it's important to check the decibel (dB) rating before buying. Note that the decibel scale is exponential not linear, with a whisper measuring 20 dB and a siren measuring 120 dB. Hearing protection is advised in workplaces 85 dB and above.

Regular compressors are typically extremely loud. Noise can range from 70 dB to a deafening 90 dB, which is not suitable for indoor use.

A regular "cheap" hardware store compressor, which is too loud.


"Silent" oil-free compressors are a good mid-range option but are still nowhere near actually silent. An affordable mid-range oil-free compressor like the popular Chicago HUSH20 shown below emits around 50 dB to 60 dB when refilling, which is enough to interrupt a conversation or phone call, and most people would find imposing in the same room. You may be able to add an extension hose and run it in a different room, but it's not practical to put it in a soundproof enclosure because the reduced airflow causes it to get hot. Being oil-free does mean less maintenance, but you still need to drain the tank regularly.

Chicago HUSH20 oil-free "silent" compressor


"Super Silent" compressors are oil lubricated so can operate much more quietly. These are significantly more expensive and tend to have lower air flow rates, but run at a volume of 40 dB to 42 dB, which is a bit louder than the hum of a fridge. You could comfortably run this next to your bench.

VAL-AIR 50-15 AL Oil Lubricated Silent Compressor


Compressors will produce condensation inside their tanks, so need to be drained regularly to prevent moisture in the air lines and rusting of the tank and internal components. It's important to check the decibel rating, and that the air flow rating and pressure output are both suitable for the graver/s you want it to power.



The information in this article is based on my own experience and research. There could be errors, and your own unique situation could make your needs and preferences different to mine. I can't guarantee that what works for me will work for you, or be liable for problems caused by acting on the information and views given here.

If you spot an error or missing detail, I would love to hear from you. I always give credit for significant contributions. Please contact me here.


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