The Standout Stonesetting Blog

How to learn professional stone setting - Part 3: The 3 Essential Ingredients Jan 11, 2023

The rule of the 3 Ts is the most important concept of learning to set. This post explores the all-important 3 Ts in detail, including how to use this concept at a very practical level.

If you want to be doing professional setting that matches the standard of your fabrication, you need to get...

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How to learn professional stonesetting - Part 2: Define your goals Jan 04, 2023

If you’re like most of the jewellers reading this, your goal is probably to do great setting. That’s an excellent goal to have, and there’s plenty of opportunity out there for those who achieve it. But to actually make it happen, we need to pick it apart and work out what that...

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How to learn professional stonesetting - Part 1: Jump the gap Dec 28, 2022

Professional jewellers know the value of good stone setting work. When your stone setting is good, everything about your jewellery is better - it looks better in photos and Instagram, it's more profitable because you can set it efficiently, and it can be more distinctive because you can adapt...

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